TransAmTri 2022

North Edition

Ready, Set, Go!

May 2, 2022

Be reliant in your own preparation. You and your skills get you connected to the route. Absorb the sunrises and sunsets to fuel your soul.


The Ideation

The TransAmTri races originated from crazy discussions during the 2013 Triple DECA Iron race in Lake Garda, Italy. As we covered thousands and thousands of loops swimming, cycling and running the idea of a point-to-point triathlon across the USA seemed pretty cool. Finally, after all the planning and a COVID-19 cancellation, we hosted the first ever triathlon across the USA in May of 2021.

TransAmTri 2022

North Edition

18.6 mile swim

1,600 - 1,700 mile bike

150 mile run

With the increasing trend toward the self-supported bike-pack and running global racing scene, the concept follows some of the same rules.

Race Details


Race News

Catch up with the latest race updates & Planning Tips


Athlete Guide & Forms

Racing aspirants are requested to fill up these forms


Prepare Yourself

A comprehensive guide for all your queries and registrations


Support the Race

It is a great opportunity to learn, grow and build experience!



All timing is done with Spot Trackers & LIVE on